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Re: hacking

da kewl virus d00dz wrote:
=>Telnet into a server that has SMTP support it may have been a pop3 
=>when it says:
=>220 xxxx.xxxx.xxx Smail3.1.29.1 #15 ready at Mon, 10 Jan 96 12:34 EDT 
=>NOTE: those are the servers you look for if you don't want an IP 
=>stamped on the header
=>then you type:


  yeah cool! This, I would've thought, was pretty common knowledge.

The original postre mentioned something about Perl, so why not use a nice,
system-friendly way of doing it like:

1> Making a text message file eg . 'textfile'
2> Exec'ing 'mail' and piping the contents of 'textfile' to it

Simplistic, but it works... Unless, of course, the original poster was
definitely after 'hacked' email and trying to masquerade as someone else!!


: Steff Watkins, UBris Starlink Site Manager
: University of Bristol, Clifton, Bristol, AVON, BS8 1TH, UK
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: 'Ok.. So the .sig's 8 lines long!!! So what???'
